Courses I Teach
I teach the Russian history curriculum at Queens College, City University of New York, which includes lecture courses on Imperial and Soviet Russia, seminars on Ivan the Terrible, Stalinism, and Post-Communist Russia, as well as timely special topics such as the Russian Revolution in the year of its centennial and a graduate course on the collapse of the USSR. I also created and frequently teach the history course for CUNY's disciplinary writing requirement at QC, called Hist 190: Writing and History. Other methods-centered courses I teach are the introductory research seminar for our master's program and an introduction to the social sciences for QC's Honors in Social Sciences program, as well as a graduate course on historians engaging the public. I also created senior capstone courses that explore advanced methods: on the global history of textiles and on using detective fiction as a source on the history of interwar Europe.

Resources for Students
Russia and Eastern Europe:
Complete History of the Soviet Union, set to the music of Tetris (YouTube)
Prokudin-Gorskii’s color photographs from the turn of the twentieth century
On Writing, Reading, and Learning:
HowJSay (pronunciations of all English words, British and American)
Memrise (like flashcards on steroids – great way to memorize basic facts or foreign language vocabulary)
Wordle (word cloud generator) not just for fun — a great way to get a fresh perspective on your writing
Short Guide to College Writing from the Little Red Schoolhouse
Smarthistory (Art history at the Khan Academy)