Full Bibliography for An Ordinary Marriage
Below is the full bibliography for my book, An Ordinary Marriage: The World of a Gentry Family in Provincial Russia (Oxford UP, 2013). The book contains a selected bibliography, listing all sources cited more than once (first citations are available in the notes). The bibliography below, however, contains all works cited and many more that were consulted (though it can never be exhaustive, of course). Before published works are listed there is my own summary of the contents of the Chikhachev family archive by author (covering the dates of interest in this book). This archive is housed in the State Archive of Ivanovo Oblast’ (GAIO). For full and official descriptions, see the archive’s own reference works.
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AHR = American Historical Review
GARF = Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii
GAIO = Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Ivanskoi oblasti
JMH = Journal of Modern History
MGV = Moskovskie gubernskie vedomosti
PSZ = Polnoe sobranie zakonov
RH = Russian History / Histoire Russe
RR = Russian Review
SNM = Spiski naselennykh mest
SP = Severnaia Pchela
SR = Slavic Review
TsIAM = Tsentral’nyi istoricheskii arkhiv Moskvy
VGV = Vladimirskie gubernskie vedomosti
VR = Vladimirskii rodoslovets (Frolov, 1996)
VSO = Voenno-statisticheskoe obozrenie Rossiiskoi imperii, vol. VI, part 2 (Vladimirskaia guberniia)
ZG = Zemledel’cheskaia gazeta
Summary of Archival Sources:
Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Ivanovskoi oblasti (GAIO), Fond 107, “Chikhachevy,” opis’ 1.
Diaries and account books by Natalia:
Delo 55: Acct. book, 1831-34 (72 ll.)
Delo 63: Diary, Jan-Dec 1835 (162 ll.)
Delo 67: Diary, Sept 1836 – March 1837 (77 ll.)
Delo 69: Diary, July-October, 1837 (44 ll.)
Delo 83: Diary, January 1842 (3 ll.)
Diaries and account books by Andrei:
Delo 126: Early acct. book, no date (8 ll.)
Delo 36(a): Acct. book, 1821-23 (35 ll.)
Delo 37: Misc. notebook, 1821-23 (16 ll.)
Delo 46: Acct. book, 1825-26 (44 ll.)
Delo 48: Acct. book, 1826-27 (15 ll.)
Delo 54: Diary, 1830-31 (68 ll.)
Delo 124: Acct. book 1837-1845 (begun by Aleksei in 1835) (22 ll. total)
Delo 73: Notebook, 1838 (24 ll.)
Delo 95: “Parallel Diary,” 1842-47 (143 ll.)
Delo 100: Unpublished memoir, “Notes from a [monk’s] cell”, 1852-57 (42 ll.)
Diaries and account books by Aleksei:
Delo 128: Diary, 1835-1837 (later taken over by notes from Andrei) (38 ll.)
Delo 124: Acct. book, 1835-37 (taken over by Andrei) (22 ll. total)
Delo 71: “Diary of a Student,” 1838 (14 ll.)
Delo 133: Student’s notebook and exercises in French (n/d) (75 ll.)
Delo 83: Diary, 1847-48 (121 ll.)
Delo 102: Acct book, 1854-58 (147 ll.)
Delo 109: Acct book, 1864-67 (4 ll.)
Books of correspondence between Andrei, Natalia, and Yakov:
Delo 57: Volume 1, 1834-36 (116 ll.)
Delo 59: Volume 2, 1834-36 (78 ll.)
Delo 58: Volume 3, 1836-37 (211 ll.)
Delo 66: Volume 4, 1836-37 (158 ll.)
Notebook correspondence between Andrei and his friend, Astrakhan landowner Vladimir Kopytovskii:
Delo 98: April-Dec, 1850 (32 ll.)
Diary and account books by Yakov Chernavin:
Delo 47: Acct book, 1825-34 (42 ll.)
Delo 61: Acct. book, 1834-45 (154 ll.)
Delo 60: “Parallel diary,” 1834-1841 (235 ll.)
Delo 70: Notebook, 1837 (76 ll.)
Delo 153: Late notebook, n/d (32 ll.)
Dela 31, 50, 51, 88, 89, 149: Various letters (12 ll. total)
Collections of letters sent to Andrei and Natalia, gathered and annotated by Andrei:
Delo 53: 1824-30, 1843-44 (23 ll.)
Delo 99: Jan – Dec, 1850 (276 ll.)
Delo 103: Dec 1859 – June, 1860 (404 ll.)
Delo 105: June 1860 – Dec 1860 (142 ll.)
Delo 106: Dec 1860 – Mar 1861 (172 ll.)
Delo 108: May 1861 – Dec 1861 (326 ll.)
Delo 112: Nov 1866 – Jan 1867 (110 ll.)
Known Articles by A. I. Chikhachev:
Update!! As of December, 2015, most of Zemledel’cheskaia gazeta is now available online! This was laughably (in a crying kind of way) far from the case at the time of my research…
Zemledel’cheskaia gazeta (ZG):
“O komnatnom vozdukhe.” 6 (January 1845): 44-45.
“Kamennoi dom v derevne.” 25 (March 1845): 198-199.
“Domashnii sbyt.” 48 (June 1845): 382.
“U vsiakago svoi sposob. Khozianichit’.” 82 (1845).
“Mnenie o novo-vvedeniiakh.” 101 (1845).
“O stat’iakh bez podpisi.” 7 (January 1846): 56.
“Melkiia opytnyia zamechaniia po nravstvennoi chasti sel’skogo khoziaistva.” 13 (February 1846): 98-101.
“Kak luchshe ustroit’ verkhov pogreb.” 21 (March 1846): 178.
“Mysli rodivshiesia po prochenii stat’i: o sredstvakh k vodvoreniiu gramatnosti mezhdu krest’ianami.” 32 (April 1846): 265-266.
“Vyzov na obschepoleznoe delo: sodeistvovat’ k umen’sheniiu dolgov.” 35 (April 1846): 287.
“Neskol’ko slov o zazhitochnosti krest’ian.” 36 (May 1846): 295-296.
“U vsiakago svoi sposob khoziainichit’ stat’ia 2-ia.” 38 (May 1846): 317-318.
“Melkiia opytnyia zamechaniia po nravstvennoi chasti sel’skogo khoziaistva prodolzh. N. 13.” 42 (May 1846): 349-350.
“Vyderzhki i zametki po sel’skomu khoziaistvu kandidat v upravitela.” 44 (May 1846): 365.
“O dolgakh.” 72 (September 1846): 588; 75 (September 1846): 607-608; 87 (October 1846): 709-710.
“Mysl’ o vozmozhnosti besed po khozaistvu.” 84 (October 1846): 681.
“O pomeschich’ikh postroikakh.” 96 (November 1846): 778-779.
“Meterologiia.” 41 (1846).
“Voprosy po predmetu zemlebitnykh stroenii, i tot zhe drugaia ob oranzhere.” 1 (1847).
“Chastnaia mysl’ iz obschei mysli o dolgakh.” 30 (1847).
“Vazhnost’ khozaiki v dome.” 37 (May 1847): 292-293; 53 (July 1847): 417-419; 37 (May 1848): 294-295.
“Neskol’ko slov ob raschetinvosti.” 37 (1847).
“Vopros po tsvetovodstvu.” 39 (1847).
“Vopros o kolodezhe.” 40 (1847).
“Neskol’ko slov o postroikakh.” 41 (1847).
“Zamechanie o prikaschike. “ 42 (1847).
“Novyi vzgliad na zemledel’cheskuiu gazetu.” 44 (1847).
“Ob nenormal’nom otnoshenii proizvoditel’nykh sil.” 59 (1847).
“Ostarostakh ili prekaschikakh.” 61 (1847).
“Vyzov na obshchepoleznoe delo: ‘sodeistvovat’ naibol’shemu chteniiu.’ 62 (1847).
“O ezhednevnom v slukh domashnem chtenii.” 71 (1847).
“O pozharakh.” 81 (1847).
“Dva slova o robotakh gospodskikh liudei.” 59 (1847).
“Vopros ob istreblenii volkov.” 9 (January 1848): 65.
“Opyty pri kamennykh postroikakh.” 9 (January 1848): 68-70.
“O korrespondentsii dlia pol’zy obschei.” 16 (February 1848): 127-128.
“O dolgakh.” 25 (March 1848): 199.
“Otnosheniiakh mezhdu pomeschikami.” 26 (March 1848): 206.
“Dogadka.” 27 (April 1848): 213.
Vopros o sel’skoi bol’nitse.” 27 (April 1848): 215.
“Vopros.” 30 (April 1848): 240.
“Zametki zemledel’tsa.” 32 (April 1848): 250-252.
“Proshu soveta.” 34 (April 1848): 271-272.
“Sposob chtoby poseiannyia gorshkam semena blagonadezhnee vckhodili.” 36 (May 1848): 287.
“Stavni ves’ma poleznye v tsvetochnykh gallereiakh.” 36 (May 1848): 288.
“O soderzhanii gortenzii.” 37 (May 1848): 295-296.
“Predokhranenie pri postroike ambara ot myshei.” 38 (May 1848): 304.
“Pogreb verkhovoi, bez amnika, iz kirpicha.” 44 (June 1848): 350.
“Samyi vernyi posev iablonnykh zernyshek.” 44 (June 1848): 351-352.
“Neskol’ko slov v pol’zu kamennago stroeniia.” 47 (June 1848): 373-374.
“Sochuvstvie k mysli o derevenskikh vrachakh.” 80 (October 1848): 635-637.
“Po povodu voprosov po zavedeniiu khoziastva.” 84 (October 1848): 669-670.
“Proizvodstvo prostykh reshet v Kovrovskom uezde.” 85 (October 1848): 674-675.
“Proizvodstvo prostykh reshet v Kovrovskom uezde (predlozhenie).” 86 (October 1848): 684-686.
“Esche neskol’ko slov o dolgakh.” 87 (October 1848): 692-694.
“Primechanie po povodu stat’i: ob uluchenii krest’ianskago byta.” 89 (November 1848): 708-709.
“Ob obschem dvorian uchastii v Zemledel’cheskoi Gazete.” 98 (December 1848): 781-782.
“Vyzov k sorevnovaniiu.” 99 (December 1848): 789-790.
“Vypiska iz dnevnika.” 105 (December 1848): 834-835.
“Neskol’ko myslei sel’skogo zhitelia.” 3 (January 1850): 20-22; 48 (June 1850): 379-380; 54 (July 1850): 428-430.
“Prudokopanie (stat’ia 2aia).” 43 (May 1850): 341-343; 53 (July 1851): 419-420.
“Po povodu stat’i g. Babina v No. 29 po neobkhodimosti snoshenii khoziaev.” 51 (June 1850): 404-405.
“Neskol’ko slov po povodu stat’i g. Babina v No. 29.” 58 (July 1850): 460-462.
“Vopros o luchshem ustroistv vodianykh mel’nitsu.” 73 (September 1850): 582-583.
“Blizhashii vzgliad na Zemledel’cheskuiu Gazetu.” 9 (January 1851): 70-71.
“Zamechanie o pogode.” 12 (February 1851): 96.
“Predlozhenie vladel’tsam lipovykh lesov.” 13 (February 1851): 99-100.
“Vetrianaia mel’nitsa, bez tesovoi obshivki, na os’merike.” 55 (July 1851): 439-440.
“Stol’-napominatel’.” 41 (May 1852): 324-326.
“Korrespondentsia s chego nachat’ obrazovaniia krest’ian.” 2 (January 1857): 14-15.
“Korrespondentsia po povodu stat’i: ob upravlenii rabochimi liud’mi.” 6 (January 1857): 46-47.
“Korrespondentisa otvety na khoziaistvenno-administrativn. vopros.” 31 (April 1857): 216-217.
“Esche neskol’ko slov o khoziaistvenno-administrativn. voprose.” 42 (May 1857): 331.
“S chego nachat’ obrazovanie krest’ian.” 48 (June 1857): 381.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa. Sveta nam,—sveta?” (1858): 15.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa. (v dvukh vidakh).” 4 (January 1859): 31.
“Korrespondenta startsa do mnogikh kasaiuschesia.” 5 (January 1859): 309-40.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo. O sel’skom dukhovenstve. (Otkrovennost’ startsa).” 11 (February 1859): 83-84.
“Korrespondenta startsa mysli za 12 let vpered.” 10 (February 1859): 79-80.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo po predmetu sblizheniia dvorianstva s dukhovenstvom.” 13 (February 1859): 98-100.
“Korrespondentsia.” 15 (February 1859): 118.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo—prakticheskii primer.” 16 (February 1859): 126.
“Korrespondenta startsa po predmetu vospitaniia u nebogatykh.” 17 (February 1859): 134.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo po predmetu sblizhenii dvorianstva s dukhovenstvom.” 19 (March 1859): 147-149.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa (vzgliad na otdel ZG pod rubrikoiu ‘Korespondentsiia’).” 21 (March 1859): 167-168.
“Sel’skoe obrazovanie—o vospitaniia detei.” 22 (March 1859): 169-172.
“Korrespondenta startsa po mnogim predmetam.” 24 (March 1859): 191.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo. po predmetu sblizheniia dvorianstva s dukhovenstvom.” 25 (March 1859): 198-199.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa. Vozmozhnost’ i u vas sostavat’sia obschestvennomu mneniiu.” 28 (April 1859): 223-224.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo. po predmetu vliianiia dukhovenstva na narod.” 30 (April 1859): 238.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa. Gazetnoe ob’iasnenie.” 37 (May 1859): 295-296.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo. otvet na stat’iu o forme dlia konduitnoi knigi.” 46 (June 1859): 361-363.
“Korrespondenta startsa (esche raz ob semeinom chtenii).” 47 (June 1859): 375-376.
“Sel’skoe obrazovanie. o narodnom obrazovanii.” 48 (June 1859): 377-379.
“Korespondentsiia otkrovennost’ startsa (pogrebenie opivschikhsia).” 50 (June 1859): 399-400.
“Korrespondentsia pro prochtenii stat’i: o semeinom v slukh chteniia.” 51 (June 1859): 407-408.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa. Iasnoe dokazatel’stvo malago u nas chteniia i malago razgovora o poleznom.” 54 (July 1859): 431-432.
“Sel’skoe obrazovanie upravlenie semei.” 56 (July 1859): 441-442.
“Korrespondenta startsa upravlenie semei.” 57 (July 1859): 455-456.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo upravlenie semei.” 68 (August 1859): 541-543.
“Korrespondenta startsa priglashenie k nekotoromu prochteniiu.” 70 (September 1859): 559-560.
“Korrespondentsiia otkrovennost’ startsa.” 65 (August 1859): 519-520.
“Sel’skoe ustroistvo upravlenie semei.” 72 (September 1859): 574-576.
“Korrespondenta startsa predosterezhenie.” 82 (October 1859): 655.
“Sel’sk ustr upravlenia semei.” 83 (October 1859): 657-658.
“Sel’skoe obrazovanie. Dva slova o shkolakh.” 87 (October 1859): 689-690.
“Korrespondentsia dushevnaia blagodarnost’ sel’skomu sviaschenniku.” 92 (November 1859): 736.
“Korrespondenta startsa razsudok dobraia volia—energiia—sovest’.” 97 (December 1859): 775.
“Korrespondentsiia. Otkrovennost’ startsa.” (1859): 448.
Vladimirskie gubernskie vedomosti (VGV):
“Lekarstvo ot zubnoi boli.” 41 (October 1847): 191.
“Proizvodstvo prostykh reshet v Kovrovskom uezde.” 42 (October 1848): 235-237; 47 (November 1848): 267-269.
“Mysl’ o sostavlenii spravochnoi knigi v uezde.” 40 (October 1849): 191-193.
“Neskol’ko slov o knige: pis’ma o bogosluzhenii vostochnoi kafolicheskoi tserkvi.” 46 (November 1849): 230.
“Dva slova o vospitanii, prosveschenii i khoziaistve.” 49 (December 1849): 241-242.
“Patrioticheskoe sochustvie k uchilischu sel’skago khoziastva dlia potomstvennykh dvorian.” 52 (December 1849): 253-254.
“Vyzov na obschepoleznoi delo, bez pozhertvovanii.” 23 (June 1850): 124-125.
“O detskikh igrakh.” 40 (October 1850): 222.
“Mysli sel’skogo zhitelia o gubernskoi gazete.” 45 (November 1850): 249-251.
“Neskol’ko myslei (avtobiograficheskoe).” 46 (November 1850): 259-260.
“Priglashenie k obschepoleznomu zaniatiiu.” 12 (March 1851): 82-84.
“Puteshestvie po Kovrovskomu uezdu.” 16 (April 1851): 111-112.
“Neskol’ko slov dlia zhelaiuschikh pomolit’sia v Kieve.” 47 (November 1851): 313-315.
“Pokhoronnyi obychai v prikhod sela Zimenok, Kovrovskogo uezda.” V25 (June 1852): 171-172.
“Sel’skaia biblioteka v sele Zimenkakh, Kovrovskago uezda.” 26 (June 1856): 205-206.
“Urozhai khleba i iagod (Zeml. gaz.).” 39 (1856).
“Drevnosti Rossiiskago Gosudarstva.” 9 (March 1857): 51-52.
“Sel’skaia biblioteka v sele Zimenkakh, bliz gor. Shui, v Kovrovskom uezde.” 10 (1857).
“Sel’skaia biblioteka v sele Zimenkakh, bliz goroda Shui, v Kovrovskom uezde.” 15 (April 1858): 58-60.
“Dve odnodnevnyia iarmarki v s. Zimenkakh Kovrovskago uezda.” 26 (June 1858): 98.
“Gorodskaia izvestiia.” 27 (July 1858): 109.
“Novoe pripraschenie sel’skoi Zimenkovskoi biblioteki.” 31 (August 1858): 126-127.
“Zaochnoe znakomstvo. (O peredache pisem ot sotrudnika k sotrudniku—chrez redaktsiiu).” 1 (1865): 64-67.
“Zametki svetskago cheloveka. (O tserkvi s. Zimenok. Razsylka “vedomostei”. Rekomendatsiia ikh svetskim).” 12 (1865): 686-690.
Moskovskie gubernskie vedomosti (MGV):
“Dva slova o rabotakh gospodskikh liudei.” 72 (June 1847): 563-564.
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